Online Message

  • 2022/05/28 bertali

  • 2022/05/25 balqua

    keymacro gives a chance to interact with Nagios and the configuration file without using any shell-interaction commands. keymacro, still, provides several more basic functions to make the life easier. The extension “Fancy” allows to use the keymacro functions for command handling. Keymacro supports the following macros: @{keymacro-prompt} @{keymacro-prompt-line} @{keymacro-prompt-column} @{keymacro-prompt-file} @{keymacro-prompt-value} @{keymacro-prompt-value-line} @{keymacro-prompt-value-column} @{keymacro-prompt-value-filename} @{keymacro-prompt-value-value} Usage @{#} Converts the number provided to it’s human-readable equivalent @{keymacro-number} Converts the number provided to it’s numeric equivalent @{keymacro-exit} This macro allows you to end your input and send a blank line @{keymacro-clear} This macro allows you to clear the current line @{keymacro-clear-line} This macro allows you to clear the current line, in place @{keymacro-ask-value} This macro takes the keymacro prompt value as input and outputs it to stdout @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{#} @{ a77f14ba26 balqua

  • 2022/05/25 beryvyn

  • 2022/05/25 camwale

  • 2022/05/25 simehar

  • 2022/05/25 geramacm

  • 2022/05/25 godfpier

  • 2022/05/25 quawyl